Did you know that on June 1st that Davis County FSA split and became two seperate chapters? The Layton and Centerville Agency are no longer combined. We are now the Layton FSA and Centerville FSA respectively.
What does this mean for you???
This means that if you are with the Centerville Agency you will attend activities with Centerville FSA and likewise if you are with the Layton Agency. For the Centerville FSA this blog will be where you come to find out information and get in touch with your FSA board, etc. If you are with the Layton FSA we have created a new blog to host that information. That address is http://www.laytonfsa.blogspot.com/. We will however be keeping the chat nights combined with both the Layton and Centerville FSA's!
Moral of the Story
Davis County FSA has become two seperate chapters. This will allow us to get more people involved with FSA and really try to grow and expand and have an impact for good in our communities in regards to adoption. Both chapters are looking for volunteers and help, so get involved! If you're with Centerville FSA leave a comment on this post. If you're with Layton, mosey on over to the Layton FSA blog and let us know you want to help.
Is there a new board to go with this new chapter? Who are they?
Hey Amanda,
Centerville has a seperate blog as well. It is centervillefsa.blogspot.com. Can you add that on for people to look at?
And Angie- Yes, there is a new board. I'm a co-chair with Elizabeth Reed. We have committees set up to help with different aspects of FSA and would love you to join in! Go to our blog for info on activities and board meetings which you are welcome to come to. My email is mikeandkira@yahoo.com if you want to contact me.
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